Mug Shot |
It is time for a haircut. This haircut is different from the past as it is one that is meant to prep Big C into primary school. It is time to chop off the lovely locks to one that would resemble a law abiding primary one kid.
Time for a haircut |
It is not an easy transition, especially for the Mom as she is a fan of Big C 'Japanese Locks'. We had been keeping his hair long for the past 6 months and thus it would be a drastic change to cut it short.
Aunty Amy from Junior League |
Thankfully we have Aunty Amy from Junior League Parkway to perform this change. She had been cutting Big C hair since he is age 0 , thus making her the perfect person to execute this makeover.
That's my hair! |
Before we present you the new look, here is a look back at the evolution of 'The Hair'
Age 0-2 |
For the first 2 years, we struggle to find a decent look for Big C. His hair is relatively thin and would grow wild if left long. We decided a short crop would suit him best
Age 3-4 |
When the baby locks starts to fall, we left it a little longer. It was still tough to get the right look for him.
Age 5-6 |
It was an easy decision to let the hair grow. It was his distinct look. It was also the period when he has comments on looking like a Korean or Japanese idol.
Nonetheless the time has come to snip the hair short. It is painful but necessary due to Singapore culture of short hair for boys. Big C would probably not have long locks for at least a decade and a half. We would definitely miss 'The Hair'.
Cutting hair has taken a significant twist. It marks a progression into a new chapter in Life... Primary School.
New Look for 2014 |
This is his new look for 2014.
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