Year of the Horse Floral Display @ Gardens by the Bay - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Year of the Horse Floral Display @ Gardens by the Bay

The Year of the Horse is all set to gallop upon us.
This also meant that there will be a fresh floral display at Gardens by the Bay. Having been to the colourful Spring celebrations last year, we were filled with anticipation for this year interpretation of the Chinese New Year ahead.

Let's go!
First Impression

Gold Coins
We were greeted by a row of gold coins and Mandarin Oranges at the entrance of the Flower Dome. However compared to last year, the decorations had considerably tone down and muted. It was less 'red' than one would have expected.

The main floral display
Given that the decorations were sparse, you may not immediately feel a wow upon the entrance. There was no customary anchor display at the entrance for one to indulge in phototaking.

The festive mood is much more evident at the main flower bed. From afar, you are able to spot the traditional flowers in it's full bloom. The unmistakable silhouettes of Lions and Drums signaled that Chinese New Year is near.

If you peer closely, there are pussy willows and lanterns around the Flower Dome. Traditional Chinese New Year flowers are found in corners around the dome. This year , it was in tones of Golden Yellow with sprinkles of Red.

The perennial favourites 'Lions' are on display as well.

Lions and Drums
If last year decoration was brimming with excessive abundance, this year works would be describe as quietly charming. If you expecting an explosion of Cny flowers and decorations to herald the new year, it may be a tad underwhelm.

Lucky Chair
The Year of the Wooden Horses

Running Horses
The main stars of this floral display would undoubtedly be the 3 wooden horses. After all 2014 is the year of the Wooden Horse. The sight of the horses galloping through the Flower bed is indeed a sight worth relishing. It is amazing how they look so lifelike in this scene.

Running Horses
This probably explain why the flower bed were not filled with mandarin oranges or flowers as compared to last year. If it were, it would probably take away the attention from these majestic display of running horses.

Who's going to ride the wide horses?
We were however surprised by the barriers in front of the horses. Prior to previous years, the front of the flower bed would be excellent for a family portrait. With these barriers, it does restrict the view somewhat. Perhaps it is there to prevent the horses from galloping away, but we are pretty sure they would remain where they were, regardless how realistic they look.

Please remove the barriers
We did managed to take a family portrait at the side. Somehow the final output was not as impressive as the display.

Along with the horses are Chinese Spring Couplets found in the middle of the flower bed.

Chinese Spring Couplets
It was surprising to spot a lone horse around the corner. It looked like it may have escaped from a Western movie set and it seemed lost in this setting.

The Floral Display is on until 16th February at the Flower Dome. (Admission fees applies)

Year of the Horse
Spring Surprise
In conjunction with Chinese New Year Celebrations, Gardens by the Bay also presents ' Spring Surprise' activities to celebrate CNY.

Watch a Movie at the Supertrees Groove
To kickoff this series of events, there is a outdoor movie screening of the award winning Ilo-Ilo by critically acclaimed Anthony Chen.

Anthony Chen @ Gardens by the bay
We were pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Anthony Chen during the event.

Watching the OCBC Garden Rhapsody
It was a refreshing experience to sit under the Supertrees for a movie in the garden. With the evening cool breeze and a good crowd, the event was a rousing success in our books. We were also delighted to have front seats as a section was reserved for Friends of the Gardens.
Membership does has its privileges.

Enjoying a movie.
We would be back for another movie if GBTB would host another.
Till then, have a wonderful Spring Celebrations ahead!

Movies @ Supertree Groove

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