Dyson DC52 Cinetic Vacuum : Say goodbye to bags and filters - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Dyson DC52 Cinetic Vacuum : Say goodbye to bags and filters

Dyson Cinetic

There is a new revolutionary tool in town . One that would rid the house of dirt for a decade without losing auctions. Say goodbye to bags and filters. This one is the Mother of all vacuums, the DC 52.

Dyson booth at Ngee ann City
Over the weekend, we were invited to witness the launch of 2 revolutionary vacuum cleaners by Dyson. For those unfamiliar with the brand, you would probably heard of their iconic blameless fans. To add to their arsenal of cool electronic products, are two vacuums recently launched in Singapore - DC 52 and DC 63.
Cyclone technology
Before we give you a peek to these sleek machines, do you know that an average cubic metre of air contains 500,000 particles of dust. This dust compose of fabric fibers, ash, fingernail filings, human skin scales, fungal spores , insect fragment and more.

With that amount of stuff in the air, we do need a reliable vacuum cleaner to suck in all the harmful particles from the air. For families with kids, it is necessary to provide them a clean and safe environment to grow up in.
Dyson DC 63
For a start, we take a look at the smaller Dyson DC63

The DC 63 is reputed to be able to pick up more dust than any other vacuum cleaner. Combine with the latest Dyson technology; the futuristic sounding 2 Tier Cyclone, the V4 Dyson digital motor and carbon fibre Turbine technology, this machines will capture dirt like no other.

Like a sci-fi equipment from the future, it will annihilate any dust, microscopic allergens, spores or bacteria. In addition , it uses two new tools, a soft dusting brush and a new reach under tool for a more efficient and versatile cleaning.
Dyson DC 52
It's bigger brethren , the Dyson DC 52 boost the ability for decade of use without losing suction. It is practically maintence free, so there is no bags to buy or no filter to change. It employs ball technology for greater control and has an easy hygienic bin emptying feature.
This is the only vacuum with no maintenance of filters, no bags to buy, and no loss of suction till date!

With a technology build to capture particles just 0.5 microns wide , bacteria and mould would not stand a chance against its Cinetic Cylone technology which features unique flexible cyclone tips that generate extremely small cyclones capable of sucking up microscopic dirt particles.
Build to last with minimum maintence cost, Dyson is even willing to give it a 5 year guarantee for parts and labour.
And if looks could kill, these two machines will make the most beautiful dust killer I have seen till date.
Dyson removes it.
There was even a hands on session where we witness the power of these machines driven by cyclone technology.
Super clean
Both machines will be in store from July 2014. The basic DC 63 retails for $1049 onwards, while the DC 52 is avaliable at $1299.
Dyson vacuum
As for the boys, they were awe struck by technology, judging by the numerous times they were experimenting with the Dyson exhibits during he launch.

Perhaps it is time for me to get one myself to rid of those stubborn dust lying around!
Dyson technology

The Wacky Duo were invited to the event for review

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