Tokyo Travel Blog : Tokyo Dome City Attractions Review - - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Tokyo Travel Blog : Tokyo Dome City Attractions Review

If you are planning a trip to Tokyo and do not have the time to visit Disneyland, you would be please to know that there is an amusement park that is near the heart of the City. Located at Tokyo Dome, it is accessible via Tokyo subway lines.


Let's set the expectation straight, the rides at Tokyo Dome City Attractions are not of Disneyland standard. If there is a Singapore equivalent, it would be more like Uncle Ringo

That just means one thing... it is perfect for kids!
You can either choose a one day pass from 2100Y (per child) to 3900Y Per adult for unlimited rides. You can also choose to pay by the number of rides . The full rides and attractions can be found here.

We opted for pay as we ride due to the limited time we had. If you have a choice, it would be better if you take the day pass especially for kids since most of the rides are kids oriented.

There are some rides you would need to pay on top of standard rides. The Bungee Jump is an example. Other attractions such as the chapu chapu creek (water play) is free of charge.
Chapu Chapu Creek

There are rides for adults too. We reckon the Thunder Dolphin roller coaster jetting through the Ferris Wheel would be worth the pretty penny.
Thunder Dolphin
We do think younger kids would prefer rides like Kids Hacker or a ride around Furi Furi Grand Prix.
Kids Hacker
Furi Furi Grand Prix
There are more rides in the building complex, too bad we missed it while we were there.

If you have the time, don't miss the Hero Action show (extra charges). It is probably in Japanese and so we decided to skip it. Still if you are a fan of Power Rangers , this would be the highlight of a trip there.
Hero Action Show

Still looking for more things to do? 

There is a mini arcade segment there. If you are looking for more thrills, there is a SEGA amusement park in the vicinity as well.
Arcade Game
Fans of Japanese manga ,there is a store within the premises where you can find souvenirs from One Piece , Dragonball , Naruto and more.

Tokyo City Dome attraction would be great for a half day trip. Paired it up with a trip to the nearby Asakusa temple for a day out in Tokyo.

Tokyo City Dome Attraction
Japan, 〒112-0004 Tokyo, Bunkyo, 後楽1-3-61

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